Brazos River Update
Residents of Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 20 (the “District”), the Kingdom Heights Subdivision
Based on the latest forecast from the National Weather Service (NWS), the Brazos River is projected to crest at 49.9 Feet at the Richmond Gauge this Sunday, May 12, 2019 during the afternoon hours.
According to the District’s operator, all of the District’s levee and drainage facilities are functioning normally at this time. The District’s levee and internal drainage system are designed to handle the projected Brazos River water levels.
In the event the Brazos River rises to elevations higher than 49.9’, there is the possibility FM 723 could be inundated by floodwaters. The exact elevation is different for every storm event, however FM 723 was inundated with water near an elevation of 52.0 Feet at the Richmond Gauge during the Memorial Day Flood Event of 2016.
Residents should be aware that at elevations near 52.0 Feet access to and from the neighborhood could become restricted and continue to monitor the situation closely.
The latest projections from the National Weather Service can be found at the following link:
Please continue to check the Fort Bend county Emergency Management website for current and up to date information at